Variac and Toroid Transformer
The Red Object is called a Variac - if it is plugged into a 120 Volt Wall Socket, it will regulate Voltage from 0-120 Volts. It has a 5 AMP glass fuse which blows when it exceeds that level of Output.
Any 3 Rail Engine (Lionel, MTH, Williams, Atlas, etc.) will run on up to 24 Volts - anything over that will result in ever-greater Stress and the AC Motor will "Blow Up".
Newer "Electronic" Engines are said to have a 19 Volt thresh-hold.
The solution we have come up with is to use the Doughnut Shaped Transformer shown which is known as a "Toroid" Transformer.
This Particular Transformer can be used as a 36 Volt Transformer.
Since the Variac is used to regulate the Voltage, using it at 66% Capacity will yield the 24 Volts.
Why, you may be asking, should I get 36 Volts?
We use it to run more than 2 Long Trains on our system, and to give an extra Boost when proceeding up our Mountainous Terrain!
These 2 are "Components" that are pretty simple to assemble - basically the Toroid Transformer will be plugged into a 120 Volt outlet and the Variac plugged into that. The Track is then connected to the Variac through the plug shown on it.
We will provide simple instructions on how this is accomplished with your purchase.
It is also recommended that you use a Volt Meter and an Ammeter to watch the Current as it pulses to a working train.
We are currently working on selling a Combo Set Volt Meter/ Ammeter which can simply be plugged in to the "System".
We are also working on a "Toroid" box that is a more "finished" solution - it will be "Plug and Play"!
The $175 price is for "Non-Subscribers".
But if you Subscribe to the "Waste and Ruin TrainHaus" Website, this item will receive the "Discount" Price of $150.
Happy Model Railroading!